Festival Film Dokumenter: Jan Vrijman Fund, International Documentary Films and Festivals
info festival film dokumenter - IDFAcademy Summer School 2010
The Jan Vrijman Fund supports documentary filmmakers and festivals in developing countries. Its goal is to stimulate local film cultures and to turn the creative documentary into a truly global film art.
The JVF provides grants to independent documentary makers from developing countries. In addition to individual film projects, the Fund also supports projects that promote local documentary production and distribution in general, such as workshops, documentary film festivals and educational programs. The Fund does not only provide financial support, but also plays an advisory role.
Grants and selection rounds
The JVF provides individual grants of up to €5.000 for script and project development, €17.500 for production and post-production, or €15.000 for other activities (distribution initiatives, documentary film festivals and documentary workshops). Selection rounds take place twice a year, with application deadlines on 15 January and 15 May.
The JVF is part of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam and each year the IDFA screens a large part of the year’s harvest of completed films supported by the fund.
The Jan Vrijman Fund is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HIVOS, Stichting DOEN and MEDIA International.
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